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Date : 2001-09-01
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Ascetic Discourses Reflections on the Rule Cistercian ~ Ascetic Discourses Reflections on the Rule Cistercian Studies Abba Isaiah Of Scetis on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Written in the fifth century during one of the most formative periods of christian monasticism in Egypt and Palestine
Project MUSE Ascetic Discourses review ~ Ascetic Discourses Translated by John Chryssavgis and Pachomios Robert Penkett Translated by John Chryssavgis and Pachomios Robert Penkett Cistercian Studies Series 150
Discourses and Sayings Cistercian Studies Dorotheos of ~ Discourses and Sayings Cistercian Studies Dorotheos of Gaza Eric Wheeler OSB Chrysogonus Waddell OCSO on FREE shipping on qualifying offers A shrewd observer a master psychologist an accomplished raconteur Dorotheos is also a learned man with a prodigious capacity for assimilating in an organized harmony the wisdom of his precedessors in the life of the Spirit
Cistercian Studies Series Series LibraryThing ~ Reading Saint Benedict Reflections on the Rule Cistercian Studies Series No 151 by Adalbert De Vogue 151 No Moment Too Small Rhythms of Silence Prayer and Holy Reading Cistercian Studies No 153 by Norvene Vest 153 The Meditations of Guigo I Prior of the Charterhouse by Prior of the Grande Chartreuse Guigo 155
Work practices normative control and ascetic ~ Ascetic responsibilization the struggle to obey in the right way Whereascertainpositionsarerewardingfacilitating “unhesitating”obedienceamongcertain members other members struggle more in relation to humility ideals and the service ideology For example one monk M51 grumbled about that his competences in theology
The “Asceticon” of Abba Isaiah of Scetes Citydesert ~ The “Asceticon” ascetic discourses by Abba Isaiah of Scetes is a diverse anthology of essays by an Egyptian Christian monk who left Scetes around 450 AD Originally composed in Greek the “Asceticon” consists of 30 essays logos on subjects including advice for novice monks precepts for those who have renounced the world sayings and stories…
Following The Footsteps Of The Invisible The Complete ~ Cliff Ermatinger is a Chicago native and works as associate pastor of two parishes in that archdiocese He is the author of several books on Byzantine and Carmelite spirituality as well as one on philosophy He has written articles for Spanish English and German language periodicals
Cistercian Studies Series Publisher Series LibraryThing ~ Symeon The New Theologian The Theological and Practical Treatises and the Three Theological Discourses Cistercian Studies by Saint the New Theologian Symeon 41 The Name of Jesus by Irénée Hausherr
The Book Of Steps The Syriac Liber Graduum Cistercian ~ Intentionally anonymous and lacking concrete details of historical and cultural settingand for many years suspected of messalianismthis collection of thirty memre discourses has been long recognized as an important yet understudied work of the fourth century Syriac Liber Graduum records the ups and downs of a real christian community and is not a theoretical projection
Cistercian Studies Quarterly Search Issues ~ 2000 Institute of Cistercian Studies Conference The Martha Fessler Krieg Vol 354 2000 52533 Blessed Maria Gabriella Today Monica Della Volpe Vol 353 2000 33544 “Thoughts After Mechtild” Janet Atkins Vol 352 2000 250 “Confession” Pat Schneider Vol 353 2000 420 Editor’s Note to Thomas Merton’s Blessed William of SaintThierry Monk of Signy
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