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Date : 1998-03-01
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A moral vision for America Internet Archive ~ Includes bibliographical references p 169171 and index
A moral vision for America Book 1998 ~ A moral vision for America Joseph Bernardin John Langan Joseph Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago was for twenty years the most influential Catholic bishop he was also a beloved public figure whose views commanded respect from Catholics and
A Moral Vision for America by Joseph Cardinal Bernardin ~ This posthumous collection of a number of his major addresses on central moral issues in contemporary American life voices the causes that were closest to his heart the sanctity and protection of all human life the reshaping of American society and institutions for the benefit of the poorest the preservation of peace in the pursuit of justice and the growth of mutual understanding and harmony within the Church
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Rev Barber’s Moral Vision for America – Red Letter Christians ~ Rather than use overtly racist language the Redeemers framed their vision as a moral crusade against the sin and corruption of Northern politics Evangelical preachers were recruited for the cause helping to create a “Bible Belt” where white supremacy was not so much a Klan ideology as the natural order
Vision America Wikipedia ~ Vision America is a conservative American Christian organization founded in 1994 by Baptist pastor Rick Scarborough which describes itself as formed to inform encourage and mobilize pastors and their congregations to be proactive in restoring JudeoChristian values to the moral and civic framework in their communities
Obama Romney and the War to Define Fairness Moral Vision ~ I’m a social psychologist I study the moral foundations of politics With my colleagues at I’ve collected data from 300000 people who participated in dozens of studies and experiments and their responses tell a consistent story There are three major kinds of fairness and we find that liberals and conservatives value them to different degrees
Moral Capitalism American Vision ~ Moral Capitalism makes the case for a virtuous system of free market principles that takes both the economic and moral high ground for without a firm foundation of biblical morality either centralized economic planning will impoverish a nation or the ravenous greed of selfish men will poison the hearts of its people
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